The Cut   simply TOOBASED
9 9
34 34
45569 45569
Net Worth
85593 85593
19 Assists 64

Player statistics

Name (The Cut) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
Nick Hartzler 17 1/10/5 153 4 9652
pingu 12 2/8/3 63 0 4897
TINGLEkIng 19 1/5/4 208 5 12374
Vladyslav Gavrylyuk 13 0/9/6 43 9 4448
Griffin Pappert 22 5/2/1 414 8 14198
Name (simply TOOBASED) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
empyreaN 16 4/4/13 34 14 7712
Danny Cote 25 19/0/7 286 6 28317
Jaron Clinton 23 3/1/13 293 2 18071
Noah Minhas 24 6/2/16 278 14 19503
Zakari Freedman 20 2/3/15 120 0 11990
The Cut   simply TOOBASED
28 28
44 44
46771 46771
Net Worth
68633 68633
59 Assists 101

Player statistics

Name (The Cut) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
Nick Hartzler 20 10/9/11 153 4 10705
pingu 12 3/14/11 27 2 1978
TINGLEkIng 19 2/8/11 179 6 10203
Vladyslav Gavrylyuk 15 2/11/15 46 1 5785
Griffin Pappert 24 11/3/11 312 4 18100
Name (simply TOOBASED) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
empyreaN 18 3/11/28 26 18 5369
Danny Cote 23 15/5/21 207 13 16863
Jaron Clinton 23 9/4/18 147 5 13611
Noah Minhas 24 8/3/20 292 8 21539
Zakari Freedman 21 9/5/14 113 4 11251


1 2 T
0 0 0
1 1 2


  • Best of Sets: 3